250 research outputs found

    Kinetics of CO2 absorption into aqueous solutions in CO2

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    This research has been performed to emphasize about the problem known as ?climate changes? occurring due to the greenhouse gases emissions (Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4),Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Ozone (O3), Chlorofluorocarbons (artificial). Specially, the project will be focused on the CO2 emissions produced mainly from the fossil fuels burning in power plants and other kind of industrial processes. To understand how important the global is warming and therefore the climate change, both the increase of emissions and the evolution of those will be studied in this project drawing conclusions about its effect. The Kyoto Protocol, the most important agreement internationally, signed by a great majority of the industrialized and developed countries, which try to limit the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, will be cited in this project. Taking into account the effects of global warming and applying the international legislation on emissions of greenhouse gases, a number of measures will be exposed, where the CO2 capture will be studied deeply. Three different kind of CO2 capture technologies will be studied, drawing the conclusion that the post-combustion capture, in particular by amine chemical absorption, is the most efficient one

    Administración pública y tercer sector. Propuesta analítica y estudio del caso de Andalucía

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    Suele argumentarse que la participación de entidades sin ánimo de lucro en la provisión de servicios públicos puede ser una vía para hacer frente a la crisis del Estado del bienestar. No obstante, son pocos los análisis que se centran en el estudio de la calidad de las relaciones que para ello establecen entidades del tercer sector y las agencias gubernamentales. Este artículo presenta una propuesta analítica y la aplica a un estudio de caso, partiendo del supuesto de que la calidad de tales relaciones depende de la información que las agencias gubernamentales poseen de las entidades con las que interactúan.It is a commonplace the argument about the benefits of non-profit inclusion in the provision of public services to reduce the welfare state crisis. Therefore, there are many few studies about the quality of relationships between non-profit sector and governmental agencies. This article presents an analytical proposal and its application by a case study. The main argument is that the quality of relations between non-profit sector and government depends of governmental agencies' information about non profit entities

    El esfuerzo público de desfamilización. Propuesta de medición y análisis descriptivo para la Unión Europea (1970-1999)

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    Este artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica para medir el esfuerzo público de desfamilización en quince países europeos. Junto a indicadores clásicos (como el gasto familiar o la escolarización de los menores), se incluyen medidas de conciliación entre vida doméstica y laboral para conocer la acción pública en relación con este nuevo riesgo familiar. Una vez validados los indicadores mediante análisis factorial, se utilizan para realizar un análisis descriptivo. Los resultados muestran la utilidad y la validez de los indicadores propuestos para realizar comparaciones entre países y/o en diferentes momentos del tiempo, así como la importancia del indicador de conciliación para conocer tanto la intensidad como las estrategias del esfuerzo público.This article presents a proposal to measure public effort of de-familization in 15 european countries. Together with others classical measures (public expenditure in family and child educational services) measures of conciliation between labour and family life is included as a dimension of de-familization in order to consider public actions related to new family risks. After a factorial analysis to validate the proposal, a comparative analysis is developed. The results seem to validate the proposal measurement and the importance of the conciliation index to capture the intensity of public effort as well as different strategies from cross-national and longitudinal perspectives

    The agenda for integral urban development in Spain (1994-2013)

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    Desde los años noventa la Unión Europea viene desarrollando programas e iniciativas de intervención integral con el objetivo de promover el desarrollo urbano, en general, y reducir los procesos de desigualdad socioespacial en las ciudades, en particular. En buena medida estas políticas han ido generando un conjunto de prácticas que vienen redundando en la progresiva elaboración de una estrategia para las áreas urbanas en Europa, a la que suele denominarse, ‘agenda urbana’ (Comisión Europea, 2014). Pero, ¿cuál ha sido la agenda promovida por los proyectos desarrollados durante las dos últimas décadas?, o de otra forma, ¿cuál ha sido la experiencia que permitiría ir definiendo una agenda urbana para las ciudades españolas?. En este trabajo presentamos un ejercicio básico para tratar de responder a estas cuestiones mediante el análisis de los proyectos desarrollados en el marco de los programas URBAN y URBANA en España (1994-2013).Since the 1990s, the European Union has launched comprehensive programs and initiatives that promote integrated urban development, the goal being improved urban development, in general, and a reduction of socio spatial inequalities in cities, in particular. The policies generated as a result of these programs and initiatives have shaped a European strategy that promotes integrated urban development, the so-called “urban agenda”. But, what in fact is the agenda that has been promoted by these initiatives during the last two decades? And, what are the experiences that would help define an urban agenda for Spanish cities? This article presents a basic analysis to respond to these questions, analyzing projects done in the framework of URBAN and URBANA programs in Spain (1994-2013)

    Modeling of sodium nitrite and water transport in pork meat

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    [EN] Four models were used to simulate nitrite uptake and water loss during pork meat curing with sodium nitrite: three empirical ones (the Azuara, the Peleg and the Zugarramurdi and Lupin) and one theoretical (the diffusional). By means of the Azuara and the Peleg models, the equilibrium moisture content and the equilibrium nitrite content were properly identified. Zugarramurdi and Lupin's model did not provide information about process parameters. The effective diffusivities of water (Dwe) and nitrite (DNe) were calculated. The activation energy (ENa and Ewa) was evaluated from the parameters of both the Peleg and the diffusional models. The results were similar; the Peleg model having the advantage of simplicity of calculation. The effect of meat anisotropy was confirmed from the diffusional model; the perpendicular transport of nitrite is easier than the parallel. This study highlighted the importance of choosing the most appropriate model depending on the objective to be achieved.The authors of this paper acknowledge the financial support from CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 (CSD2007-00016), Spain.Gómez, J.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN.; Arnau, J.; Bon Corbín, J.; Clemente Polo, G. (2019). Modeling of sodium nitrite and water transport in pork meat. Journal of Food Engineering. 249:48-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.01.008S485424

    Diffusion of nitrate and water in pork meat: Effect of the direction of the meat fiber

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    [EN] The effect of the direction of the meat fiber on the diffusion of sodium nitrate and water in Semimembranosus pork muscle during curing was studied at different temperatures. Nitrate and water diffusion were modelled based on Fick's second law. The nitrate diffusion coefficients ranged from 0.007·10¿10 to 0.034·10¿10 m2/s (parallel) and 0.89·10¿10 to 1.41·10¿10 m2/s (perpendicular), while for water the values ranged from 9.87·10¿9 to 12.46·10¿9 m2/s (parallel) and 5.22·10¿10 to 9.29·10¿10 m2/s (perpendicular). In every case, these values increased as the temperature rose. The activation energy for water diffusion perpendicular to the meat fiber (31.86 kJ/mol) was greater than when the diffusion was parallel (15.06 kJ/mol). The opposite was observed for nitrate diffusion (96.44 kJ/mol when parallel vs. 24.71 kJ/mol when perpendicular), which implies that nitrate needs more energy for parallel diffusion and, consequently, curing is slower in that direction.The authors of this paper acknowledge the financial support from Spanish Government ("Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura", CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010, CSD2007-00016) and from the Valencian Government ("Generalitat Valenciana", Valencia, Spain, PROMETEOII/2014/0005).Gómez, J.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN.; Arnau, J.; Bon Corbín, J.; Clemente Polo, G. (2017). Diffusion of nitrate and water in pork meat: Effect of the direction of the meat fiber. Journal of Food Engineering. 214:69-78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.06.028S697821

    Justification of interpersonal aggression in Hong Kong and Spain

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    This study reports the degrees of approval for different aggressive acts in a number of instrumental and emotional situations. A nationally-adapted version of the Lagerspetz and Westman questionnaire [1] was administered to 332 university students of both sexes in Spain and Hong Kong. Respondents had to indicate levels of justification of several aggressive acts of different quality and intensity in the context of different social justifications. Our results replicated the general findings of previous research in other cultures: in both samples, more drastic forms of aggression (e.g., killing, torture) were less accepted than non-dangerous forms of such behavior (e.g., hindering, being ironic); aggressive acts more socially justified (in terms of protection of self or other) were clearly more accepted than others with no such justification (problems of communication); and instrumental-motivated aggression was higher justified than emotional-motivated aggression. Some differences in the level of acceptance according to the sex of the participants were found: women were more prone to a higher acceptance of acts and situations more related to emotion. Although both sexes justified aggression in a higher degree for instrumentally motivated situations than for emotional ones, males showed a higher acceptance than females for instrumental situations and a lower one than females for emotional ones. There were also some minor culturally bound differences in these attitudes: Spaniards accepted less than HK students aggression in emotional situations, specially for the cases of punishment and lack of communication, but more emotional acts, such as rage and shouting. Thus, patterns of moral approval of various kinds of aggressive acts are in a large part common to both cultures. Findings also confirmed a two-factor solution and the respective predictive power of justifications for aggression in instrumental vs. emotional motivated situations. The reliability and validity of this brief self-report have been further established by the present study, paving the way for future studies to measure instrumental and emotional aggression

    Changes in body composition after an ultra-endurance event of 1700 km on mountain bike

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    El estudio de los cambios en la composición corporal en pruebas de resistencia se ha limitado en la mayoría de los casos al estudio de las pérdidas de peso corporal. El presente estudio pretende analizar los cambios producidos en la composición corporal (agua, proteínas, minerales, grasa, y músculo) producidos después de realizar una prueba de 1.700 Km en bicicleta de montaña cruzando África de este a oeste. Se analizaron 5 sujetos (73,3±10,2 kg, 170±0,1 cm, 51,2±6,9 años) antes y después de realizar una prueba de ultrarresistencia en bicicleta de montaña de 1.700 km durante 17 días (100-110 km por etapa). Se analizaron los siguientes parámetros: Masa Agua Intracelular, Masa Agua Extracelular, Proteínas, Masa Mineral, Masa Grasa Corporal, Agua Corporal Total, Masa Músculo Esquelético, Masa Libre de Grasa, Peso y Área Grasa Visceral mediante bioimpedancia eléctrica (BIA) con el analizador INBODY 720. Los resultados muestran una disminución no significativa de los parámetros de peso corporal y masa grasa, una disminución significativa en el área de grasa visceral (p>0,05). El resto de parámetros se mantuvieron en valores cercanos a la toma inicial. En conclusión este tipo de pruebas de ultrarresistencia únicamente afecta a los parámetros de grasa visceral, manteniendo el resto de variables de composición corporal sin cambios significativos.Actividad Física y Deport

    La feminización de la dinámica política municipal. El caso de los municipios españoles

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    The analysis of responsiveness of local governments to associations and social movements has been a central issue in the analysis of local socio-political dynamics. Nevertheless, women’s associations are still a forgotten actor in these analyses, despite the importance of this kind of analyses at national level. In this paper a basic analytical proposal is presented to explain the importance of local political opportunities structures feminization. This proposal is applied to the Spanish case using a representative survey among municipalities. The results show the importance of political opportunities structures feminization as women presence among local councilors.El análisis de la responsividad de los gobiernos locales a las asociaciones y movimientos sociales ha sido un asunto central en el estudio de la dinámica socio-política local. No obstante, las asociaciones de mujeres vienen siendo un actor olvidado en estos análisis, a pesar de la importancia de su análisis a nivel nacional. En este trabajo se formula una propuesta analítica para dar cuenta de la importancia de la feminización de las estructuras de oportunidades políticas a nivel local. Esta se aplica al caso español mediante el análisis de una encuesta representativa entre municipios. Los resultados muestran la importancia de la feminización de la estructura de oportunidades políticas como la presencia de mujeres entre las élites políticas municipale


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    Some songs of Arcyptera fusca fusca and A. Microptera microptera are described and commented. The patterns of the calling and rival song of both two species are compared. Also, a new analytical technic for analyzing and studying Orthoptera's songs is offered.Se describen y comentan distintas manifestaciones acústicas de Arcyptera fusca fusca y A. microptera microptera comparando los patrones de emisión de los cantos de poclamación y rivalidad de ambas especies. Así mismo, se presenta una técnica analítica válida para el estudio y análisis del comportamiento acústico de Orthoptera